Ten-Thousand Years of Humankind: The Critical Role of Climate Change

Major episodes of government corruption, cult ideologies, scientific malpractice, academic theories, Ponzi schemes, and media slothfulness have typically enjoyed long shelf lives before their transgressions are revealed.  Responsible journalists dream of the day when they can expose even one such significant group’s breach of the public’s trust.  Wall Street Journal’s Barton Swain delivered a death blow to the most fraudulent misadventure of our times that included all these perpetrators of deception with his January 28th article “Why Climate Ideology is Dying”.

By needlessly alarming our body politic to the existential effects of Climate Change, allegedly induced by the Industrial Revolution, the actions of the Chicken Littles of Deception kept concealed from the public the dramatic influence that naturally occurring Climate Change exerts on humankind’s very existence.   

Without disproving a single sentence of the scientific claptrap upon which Man-Made Global Warming Dogma was devised, Mr. Swain used clear logic and astute observation to lay bare the contradictions and hypocrisies promoted by these diverse supposed icons.  His opening gambit stated that “momentous social movements begin to die the moment adherents figure out their leaders don’t believe what they say.”   Discovery of disbelief instills ordinary people with a high degree of skepticism as they realize the complexities, costs, and sacrifices required of them if fossil fuel energy is removed from our energy-dependent societies. 

During the last 450,000 years, the Earth has experienced major, naturally occurring climate cycles with five alternating Interglacial warming periods separated by Glacial cooling periods.  During the last Glacial period, a massive ice cap formed covering most of Canada and stretching down into all northern areas that are now part of the United States.  

When the Interglacial warming period that followed melted the ice pack 10,000 years ago, sea levels rose 400 feet and the floods in North America massively changed the topography.  The devastation was so great that verbal historians carried into the modern era both Noah’s story, which evolved from these floods, and tales of the Lost City of Atlantis, odes to cities that vanished under rapidly rising oceans that flooded coastal areas.  These catastrophic glacial transition periods are the true existential threats to mankind. 

The Man-Made Global Warming deception took root when its proponents politicized a historically short-term, minor global temperature increase as being existential.  Instead, it was just a small increment of a natural cycle within 450,000 years of the Earth’s recent climate history.  See the charts below.

Within the planet’s current Interglacial Warming Cycle our planet is now experiencing (shown at the extreme right of the above chart), our Earth is already well into the current Interglacial.  These warming periods have historically lasted 10-15 thousand years.  In our current Interglacial, five warming and cooling period cycles recurred as shown in the following chart covering the last 9,500 years during the Holocene Era.  

Shown on the far bottom right of the above chart, our planet’s recent temperature increase is at a lower level than all previous warming levels in human history.  This highlights the misrepresentations exposed by Mr. Swain and why the leaders of the NET ZERO 50-Man-Made warming scam “don’t believe what they say.” 

Furthermore, readers of history will recognize that both the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period, during which the Renaissance flourished, have been known periods of high human activity and progress.  This includes our own rapid civilization progress in the current warmer period.  Slower growth and privation were features of the two Dark Ages and the Little Ice Age, from which we are just recovering.  

Also, at the far left of the above chart, the warmest temperatures in our current Interglacial period occurred early in this Holocene Era – this high point was named the “Holocene Optimum”.  The planet is now approaching the next Glacial cooling cycle.  “Most recent global temperatures are at the lower end of the historical range”, and “81.3% of the observations in the past 9,500 years are higher than the most recent temperature reading.”

This is despite Chicken Littles crying out each year that our recent temperatures created the hottest day, year, month, or decade in human history and that “the world is coming to an end!”   

The discredited existential threat of man-made global warming dogma must be discarded from our political conversations.  Only then can credible people replace the perpetrators of their gigantic Global Warming Ponzi Scheme and terminate the damage being imposed on our society by them which includes:

  • Mandated unstable, unsustainable high-cost electric power production
  • Mandated electric vehicles, buildings, and home appliances
  • Government green energy subsidies paid by taxpayers
  • Wind farm damage to bird populations, whale habitats, and Nantucket beaches
  • Subsidizing the Chinese economy which floods Western markets with solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and EVs

Contrary to Mr. Swain’s hopeful analysis, climate ideology is dying, BUT not nearly quickly enough!


Author’s Note: The scientific information provided was made available by www.co2coalition.org.  Temperature charts were compiled from retrieved ice cores that capture about 1.2 million years of climate information. This record helps us better understand Earth’s climate changes over time and provides insight into the future.

John Whitmore Jenkins

February 6, 2024

