Revisiting the Tower of Babel: Arrogant Scientists, Academic Hubris, and Corrupt Politics

President Dwight D. Eisenhower may be best remembered by his Farewell Address delivered on January 17, 1961, when he warned the nation to guard against the potential influence of the Military Industrial Complex.  In that speech he warned of the future dangers of massive spending which created deficit federal budgets, especially that creating the domination of science-based public policy by what he called a “scientific-technological elite”.

Twenty years later, his words came home to me when I heard tales of the Soviet Union’s economic decadence from a world class Soviet scientist that I worked with closely.  He had been interviewed by the CIA for months after his defection as had other Russians like him.  They told the CIA how weak and corrupt the Soviet industry and economy was.  With this information fully documented, our military industrial complex responded by overbuilding over 30,000 nuclear weapons – perhaps enough to not only destroy our planet but some elements of our Solar System!

Only when the Iron Curtain came down in November 1989 did the rest of the world see the economic weakness and corruption within the Soviet system.

With strong federal support and fifty years before Eisenhower’s warning, educated elites saw as a way of using science to make a better world through promotion for over thirty years of the Eugenic Era.  They embraced faulty science to create racial purity on a wide variety of our citizens which included Catholics, Jews, Italians, Asians, and blacks.  In August 1912, Harvard president Emeritus Charles William Elliot warned against the mixing of races and was an outspoken supporter of forced sterilization for numerous categories of “flawed” citizens – feebleminded, physically disabled, or criminalistic  Hitler gave eugenics a bad name, but it persisted in the U.S. as late as 1981.  Source: “Harvard’s Eugenic Era: When academics embraced scientific racism, immigration restrictions, and suppression of ‘the unfit’”, by Adam S. Cohen, Harvard Magazine MARCH-APRIL 2016.

Even common medical maladies are not immune from scientific groupthink.  For over 200 years the world’s medical establishment with no dissent had deemed stress as the cause for Peptic stomach ulcers.   As many as four million Americans are affected by this medical malady each year.  In 1982 it was proven that a stomach bacterium was the cause; however, fifteen years later 75 percent of the patients were still being treated routinely with expensive anxiety pills such as Xanax and Valium when they could be cured permanently with antibiotics.  Source: “CO2 Has Been Indicted by Consensus, Not Real Science or Critical Thinking; The differences between these are enormous” by John Droz, Jr., Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues, August 26, 2024.

 When Covid 19 struck the United States in 2020, our local Dallas newspaper published data on local cases of the disease which I reviewed religiously to evaluate my own disease risk.  The paper reported daily the numbers of cases and deaths plus the age and health status of those who died.  I quickly concluded from this information available early in the pandemic the following:

  • Most of those dying were elderly and with major underlying health issues.
  • Almost all those 25 to 65 years old that died had pre-existing conditions.
  • No one under 20 years of age died and very few acquired Covid.
  • Even at the height of the pandemic, the numbers in Dallas of those dying daily of Covid compared to the population was infinitesimal.  

My risk evaluation was that with my health status, the few numbers of persons with whom I was in contact monthly, and those dying of high risk posed extremely low risk to my health even though I was over 75 years of age.  When it was all over, the total number of those who died in Dallas (and Texas) of Covid since inception in 2020 compared to the population is 0.3 of 1 percent.

This information was immediately available to all as the numbers were published, yet the elite politicians and health bureaucrats from Washington in most states forced:

  • School closings, though few attending were at risk
  • Most business closings
  • Most hospital procedures rationed or cancelled
  • Almost all social contact reduced or eliminated
  • Politically correct assemblies to be allowed

The economic, educational, psychological, and societal damage to our nation for this criminal medica/scientific malpractice is incalculable and, in many instances, irredeemable.

Just recently In a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan, the Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook, alleged that the officials, including those from the White House, for months “repeatedly pressured” Facebook to take down “certain COVID-19 content including humor and satire.”  

Not satisfied to make our most vulnerable children educationally-challenged, perhaps for life, our medical, scientific elites have decided that sex is not defined at birth with XX and XY chromosomes.  No, all that is needed to correct that misconception is Gender Affirming Care.  This may consist of  massive dosages  of chemicals followed by a snip-snip here and a prosthetic device there.  Then just add a bit of plastic surgery for show and you have a transformed new individual incapable of leading a normal sex life or able to reproduce our species.  

In California, the parents will likely be the last to know, for the State there always knows best.

The crowning achievement of this toxic mix bunch of science, academics, and politics has been to convince Western nations to destabilize their electric power grids to achieve NET ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS by 2050.  For this to occur, all nations will have to eliminate use of coal or natural gas for electric power generation, eliminate all fossil fuels from use in all forms of ground, air, and water transportation, plus, eliminate many forms of manufacturing and other modern industrial life.  

The industrialized Western nations which cause only 40 percent of carbon emissions will have to be joined by the less developed world including, China, Russia, India, plus Africa and the Southeast Asian nations, to complete the plan which most are not implementing.  Current technologies to make these energy transitions are largely sourced in China – electric vehicles, batteries, wind generators, and solar panels; therefore, implementation by the West of their NET ZERO 50 plans would make China the energy powerhouse of the world in just twenty-five short years.

Even more dangerous to our civilization, however, will be the solar/wind destabilization of our electrical power grids upon which our entire complex modern societies are based.  When electric power goes down over large areas for long periods of time, our just-in-time supply chains leave us stranded, without food, without communications, and susceptible to civil unrest and criminal rule.  Source: The Earth After NET ZERO 50: What Happens After the Lights Go Out?”, by John Whitmore Jenkins, The Earth After Net Zero 50 – CO2 Coalition 

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The Earth is unlikely to be forever free of arrogant scientists like Dr. Anthoney Fauci, academic hubris like emblazoned in Harvard’s Charles William Elliot view of “racial purity”, or the corrupt global warming politics started by Al Gore in his fraudulent presentation and perpetuated during the Biden Administration.  Their arrogance, hubris, and corruption does not free us from addressing our major issues rationally, and after reviewing all the relevant facts projecting their hypotheses to logical conclusions – then rejecting them if they are found to have been falsely conceived by scientific consensus. 

If we fail to do so, we will again be seeing some future disastrous reprieve of using science to make a better world like  Elliot’s eugenics were advanced into Hitler’s Holocaust of six million Jews and America’s forced sterilization of tens of thousands of undesirables.  If we fail to do so, we will be destroying our economy and destabilizing the power that formed the foundation for modern, prosperous societies – all in the way of using science in saving the Planet from non-existence, existential extinction.  If we fail to do so, we will be weakening our nation making it susceptible to being ruled by corrupt forces of authoritarianism following the Babel-like chaos we will have created.

John Whitmore Jenkins

September 11, 2024