The silence was deafening when America’s young Vice President JD Vance told the elites in the European Union that they were no longer relevant. From free speech to immigration to energy, European leaders have failed to look after their people’s interests. They have let their countries live under the American security umbrella while feeding their people political pablum to keep them pacified. Like grown adolescents still living with their parents, they have descended from being the center of attention as spoiled children to adult insignificance.
Days later, these same leaders were on the outside looking in as Secretary of State Marco Rubio led the American team to set the stage with the Russians for the Ukraine War Peace Talks. Also left out of these planning sessions, Ukrainian President Zelensky conveyed his displeasure at the implied slight. He failed to recognize that as a supplicant Ukraine was no longer in control of its destiny. He even appeared insulted that President Trump offered long-term economic ties with America to secure Ukraine’s security interests.
The Europeans and Zelensky will be brought into any agreement that may ultimately develop between Trump and Putin, but they will accede to it, not define it. By not controlling events in their backyard, the Europeans relegated themselves to being ‘backbenchers’, not leaders. By not coming together and developing an open, corruption-free society when the Berlin Wall was brought down and the Russians expelled from their borders by America, Ukraine lost the high moral ground needed to be deemed selfless victims.
Nevertheless, Ukrainians have fought and died bravely to protect their country, but ending the war will be on America’s terms – and not ‘as long as it takes!’
Descent into insignificance was also out in plain view in the U.S. media this past week. CBS’s “Sixty Minutes” produced back-to-back episodes promoting federal policies that are increasingly disfavored by the U.S. public. In the first case, Scott Pelley interviewed Kristina Drye and Adam DuBard who were lamenting the loss of jobs of employees at USAID. A search of their LinkedIn record revealed that both were ‘full-time employees” of XLA, a major federal international contractor, while assigned at USAID, not employees there which Pelley failed to note. Drye was the speechwriter for USAID Director Samantha Power, so when Power resigned, Drye’s job as an outside contractor was obsolete.
Pelley painted a picture of abuse to the system by President Trump and Elon Musk, but he never bothered to mention that these efforts were to reduce the $36 trillion of federal debt and $2 trillion of annual deficits during peacetime that are unsustainable.
Following Pelley’s piece, 60 Minutes’ Sharyn Alfonsi interviewing three German bureaucrats extolled the virtues of government-controlled speech in Germany. German politicians have passed and are enforcing broad anti-free speech laws to maintain their control over German voters. When their masters bark, “Hup two, get into the truck”, obedient German citizens will instantly respond or be fined or even be sent to jail.
Pelley and Alfonsi appear unfazed that 60 Minutes lost its credibility with the interview with Kamala Harris. CBS is a money-losing operation that is being sold subject to FCC approval, and this was an unforced error that drew major litigation from Donald Trump that could bankrupt CBS or prevent a company-saving acquisition. Since the ownership change will likely cause personnel and salary cuts, the CBS bosses reviewing their new business may not appreciate the above contributions made by Pelley and Alfonsi in diminishing CBS’s relevance as a major news factor and the subsequent losses of revenue.
The final descent from relevance to encompass the news this week is the lineup from the Democrat Party coinciding with Major League Baseball’s Spring season. Because no one has yet stepped up to lead their team, Democrats could take a hint from the past with the following lineup suggestions that seem appropriate today: ‘Who’s on first, What’s on second, and I Don’t Know is on third.’ The world is equally confused as was Lou Costello when his partner Bud Abbott tried to explain who the team’s players were.
What political manager who wants his team to be relevant would have it taking the opposite positions from a large majority of the electorate who are in the stadium? Immigration? Cutting waste, fraud, and abuse from the federal budget? Peace in Gaza? In Ukraine?
The Shot is being heard around the World! Become relevant!
John Whitmore Jenkins
February 20, 2025