America’s Injustice Genie Was Allowed Outside her Bottle: Getting the Genie Back in the Bottle May Be Impossible

The hills are alive with the sounds of Presidential Pardons.  Just as Donald Trump was escorting Joe Biden to board his last flights on Air Force One away from Washington, the world was informed that Biden had just signed more Presidential Pardons.  While Trump was making his way into his inauguration, Good Old Joe had quietly pardoned his family and several of the more flagrant miscreants from his Administration from any or all crimes they may have committed in the last ten years!

Not to be out done, within twenty-four hours President Trump had issued approximately 1,500 pardons to those charged and convicted for the Capitol intrusions of January 6, 2021.  The two sets of pardons issued so closely together provided the chattering classes a new feeding bonanza from which they could renew their attacks on their preferred incoming or departing president.  One more opportunity was graciously provided for them to signal their virtue and sagacity.

Absent from any observed commentary, however, was that our federal justice system allowed the Injustice Genie out of her Bottle well before January 2021 when President Biden was the incoming president and Trump was on his way out.  It has just been in the last three elections that our Justice Department with the FBI have taken such politically bold interference in our presidential elections.

The allegorical personification of the impartiality, integrity, equality before the law, and moral force of our Justice system has been depicted as a blindfolded woman, Lady Justice, holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other.  Like the eternal battle between the forces of Good and Evil, Lady Justice has too often been defeated by the evil Injustice Genie.  After she was released into our Justice System, catching and squeezing her back into the bottle, and putting a cork in it to keep it shut, will require a miracle.


Impartiality, integrity, and equality before the law has always been an elusive goal when administered by imperfect humans, however, it became an almost impossible dream as the rewards for disregarding them increased massively and the penalties for abusing them were disregarded by similarly minded self-serving confederates.  In the 1970s our Justice Department began expanding into an army of attorneys to enforce the thousands of laws and regulations being churned out annually for the newly created departments of the Administrative State.  

Instead of Justice being enforced against those perpetrating crimes against other citizens, in this new Injustice System, citizens are persecuted for breaking the rules, regulations, and laws of the new Federal bureaucracies.  They usually contained thousands of detailed specifications, exceptions, and obscured meanings – the lifeblood of Washington K-Street Corporate attorneys charging fellow citizens hundreds of dollars per hour to keep them out of Federal incarceration.  

At last count, scattered throughout the United States Criminal Code there were over 5,000 Federal crimes and 300,000 regulations that can be enforced criminally!  

Professional success for an attorney in the Justice Department lies in his ability to use this complex criminal code to win the maximum number of criminal convictions in the shortest amount of time.  To facilitate this success, the Justice Department has created a series of “process crimes,” crimes related to his prosecution, not the primary crime for which the offender was charged.  These include such items as lying to the FBI and obstruction of Justice.

Federal prosecutors are legally protected from their unlawfulness with prosecutorial immunity, but to gain a near 100 percent conviction rate, they routinely use illegal, obsolete, or seldom enforced laws, along with a plethora of ethically questionable practices including:

  • Multiple Indictments (which adds exposure of potential jail time or the amounts of fines)
  • Entrapment – lying to the defendant
  • Use of non-applicable or obsolete law
  • Coercing or bribing witnesses
  • Inhibiting the Right of Habeas Corpus
  • Selective leaks to the Media
  • Concealing exculpatory evidence
  • Extortion

In 2020 alone, there were 64,659 Federal cases in which the offender was sentenced.  Over 98 percent never went to trial but were plea-bargained prior to trial.  Few citizens charged with Federal crimes can afford the costs to defend themselves against complex Administrative State crimes, for which those prosecuted may be the only victims.  They just did not follow the complex rules some ideologues designed seeking perfection in an imperfect world.

The Injustice Genie was never more exposed than when Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Joe Biden each were found with classified documents within their possession after leaving office.  Clinton and Pence were not charged.  Special prosecutors were assigned to investigate Biden and Trump.   Biden’s special prosecutor said he was too old and with memory too poor to be tried and found guilty, whereas Trump’s special prosecutor used his position as a Special Prosecutor to interfere in the 2024 Presidential election.  Had Trump not been immensely wealthy, he could never have survived the massive Justice Department onslaught and would not have been a candidate, much less elected.

In none of these technical breaches of U.S. process law by high prominent officials was national security alleged to have been compromised.  Within the U.S. government, unknown millions of documents are classified annually, no central repository exists to store them, no index of them is maintained, and their locations are widely scattered everywhere within the government.   Where in the Justice Department’s handling of these four cases were impartiality, integrity, equality before the law made evident?  

The Injustice Genie will continue to run roughshod over our citizens unless she is forced back into her bottle and its cork replaced forever.  Lady Justice, blindfolded and standing tall, must again become the criteria to insure that impartiality, integrity, equality before the law, are restored as the moral forces of our Justice system. 

“A People who have allowed unbridled power to be vested in a few unelected Civil Servants of random moral character are no longer Free People, but they are Vassals whose Freedom is subject to Serendipity or the Moral Grace of the Mandarins exercising Authority over them”.  JWJ


December 12, 2024

John Whitmore Jenkins